Dateline January 8, 2024 – 9:00pm: State Mandated Zoning Act Impacts Cohasset

A new State Mandated Zoning Act will have a direct and significant impact on Cohasset. There is a forum on this legislation at Wilcutt Commons this Wednesday at 6pm. Below is a summary of several main points regarding this state mandated law:

1. The Housing Choice Legislation is a set of revisions to MGL Chapter 40A, commonly known as the Zoning Act, which applies to 350 cities and towns in Massachusetts

2. The legislation includes a series of amendments to Chapter 40A of the General Laws, commonly known as the Zoning Act. Among these amendments are changes to section 5 of the Zoning Act, which reduce the number of votes required to enact certain kinds of zoning ordinances and bylaws from a ⅔ supermajority to a simple majority; and changes to section 9 of the Zoning Act, making similar changes to the voting thresholds for the issuance of certain kinds of special permits.

3. The Housing Choice law lowers the vote threshold required for certain types of zoning to pass in a city or town—from 2/3 of the voting body to a simple majority (or 50% plus one) of the voting body. Lowering the threshold makes zoning change easier, unlocking new opportunities for housing development .

4. The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities offers the Housing Choice Initiative to encourage and empower municipalities to plan and build the diverse housing stock that the Commonwealth needs to continue to thrive.

5. The initiative provides incentives, rewards, technical assistance, and targeted legislative reform.



Zoning Bylaw Committee
Date: Wednesday January 10th, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: In Person- Wilcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA 02025
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  • Informational forum on Cohasset’s compliance with the MBTA Communities regulations.